This article is part of our NFL Observations series.
We did the Huevos League auction last night, a Yahoo league commished by former Yahoo Sports guy Brad Evans. I've been in the league since it started, but Brad, for God knows what reason, only sent league notices through the site, which meant they went to my rarely-checked Yahoo email. It was only a text from Dalton Del Don that kept me from missing the auction entirely, and I had no chance to make my preference known that starting at midnight Portugal time would be inconvenient for me.
Nonetheless, I'm glad I did it because, despite a couple errors, which I'll get into below, I'm happy with the results. The format is 14 teams, 1-QB, 2-RB, 3-WR, 1-TE, 2-FLX, 1 QB-FLX, 1 Defense, 5 Reserves. Scoring is half-point PPR, and only a point every 25 yards passing, 10 yards rushing/receiving, six for a TD scored, four for one thrown.
Here are the overall results:
I'm happy with my team. I didn't intend to get Lamar Jackson, and am worried about him holding up, but the format favors running quarterbacks, and the price was good relative to the spend on other QBs. I love Kyler Murray and Odell Beckham at their respective prices and felt like I filled out the rest of the team decently in the end game.
The two errors were hitting "plus-1" on Jarvis Landry when he was in single digits, but someone bid 15 before my finger hit the track pad, and I got him for 16, completely by accident. It's not a terrible buy, but I had $43 left instead of $59 and wasn't able to control the end game as much as I would have liked.
The other error was passing on Bryan Edwards for my last player. Liz Loza brought him up for $1, and I could have had him for $2 (my max bid), but instead chose to wait on Lavishka Shenault. Shenault came up two players later, I went to two, but Evans got him for $3, and I had to settle for Van Jefferson (with whom I'm fine) instead. It was a small error, but shows that you don't want to be too picky at the end of auctions.
Here's my roster by position: