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Recent Fantasy Baseball Articles
Baltimore Orioles vs. Oakland A's & More MLB Expert Picks & Predictions, July 5
The Baltimore Orioles fact the Oakland Athletics, and Michael Rathburn features that game and three others in his MLB Best Bets and Expert Picks for Friday, July 5.
Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees & More MLB Best Bets and Expert Picks, July 5
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Dan Marcus reviews the most valuable first-half performers on the mound and doesn't see signs that Seth Lugo is due for massive regression.
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This week's set of Sorare upgrades includes Tanner Bibee, who's emerged as the ace in Cleveland.
Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Arizona Diamondbacks, MLB Best Bet & Expert Pick, July 4
The Los Angeles Dodgers host the Arizona Diamondbacks in the final game of a three-game series, and John Bollman fires off his MLB Best Bet and Expert Pick for this Fourth of July contest.
Mound Musings: Midseason Review – My 2024 “Home” League Pitching Staff
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MLB FAAB Factor: Happy Birthday America
This holiday edition of Thursday FAAB includes the Rays' Shane Baz, who's scheduled to make his post-Tommy John surgery debut July 5 against the Rangers in Texas.
MLB Barometer: Best and Worst of the First Half
2 days ago
Aaron Judge looks just like his record-breaking 2022 self, if not better, making him the best player of the first half.
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