Draft Assistant

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Only available to paid RotoWire subscribers
Fantasy Football Draft Assistant Screenshot
Customized For League
Customized To Fit Your League
See projections, rankings, dollar values, and more – all customized for your league format.
Works Everywhere
Works on PC, Mac, Chromebooks
This tool is web-based so you can use it from any modern web browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
Track Your Draft
Track Your Entire Draft With Ease
Keep your eye on the big picture so you can react to the draft as it unfolds. See projected standings update live.
Packed With Tons of Useful Features
Custom Scoring
Customize your scoring system with over 30 stat categories.
Custom Rosters
Customizable roster setup – including Team QB, K and D slots.
Custom Ranks/Values
View player rankings or auction dollar values – with projections.
Run Mock Drafts
Run your own mock drafts from within the software.
Projected Standings
View projected standings based on players taken.
Track Every Pick
Track each pick during your draft and view all rosters.
Add Your Own Notes
Add notes on individual players to remind you during your draft.
Color-coded player tiers, sleepers, and busts.
Player News/Outlooks
View 2024 outlooks and latest news on all players.
Depth Charts
Browse through RotoWire's up-to-date NFL depth charts.
View ADP Data
View average draft position from your choice of nine separate sets of ADP data.
Keeper League Tools
Add keepers to team rosters prior to your draft/auction.
Custom Player Pool
Customize the player pool from any combination of NFL teams.
Sortable Data
Sort all player lists by value, name, position, and stat.
Multiple Draft Types
Set up any size draft (snake or basic) or auction.
Add Multiple Drafts
Set up and save multiple fantasy football drafts or auctions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is this different from the RotoWire Football Draft Software?
The core features are nearly identical. However, the Assistant can be run without downloading or installing anything on your computer. This opens it up to people using devices like phones, tablets, and Chromebooks.
Can I use it for an auction draft?
Yes, you can use it for your auction drafts. Almost any format you could dream up is possible.
Can I mock draft with this?
Yes, we've included a mock draft mode so you can practice for your drafts.
Can I use this with my real drafts?
Yes, that's the core purpose of this tool – to help you pick the best team in your real drafts.
Will the Draft Assistant work on Macs?
Yes. This draft assistant is web-based so all you need is a modern browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari. It will work on a Mac, iPhone and iPad.
Will the Draft Assistant work on a Chromebook?
Yes, it will. This tool is web-based so it should work well on a Chromebook.
Do I need to download anything?
No, this tool is purely web-based. No download or installation necessary.
Try Our Draft Assistant