PurjEvan Purj
With Breach for BO6
Purj is part of the Boston Breach's roster for 2025.
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Roster History / Event Placements
November 13, 2024Joined Boston Breach
November 13, 2024Left Vegas Falcons
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Decent in loss
Purj posted a 59/58 KD during Saturday's 3-2 loss to Carolina in Major 2.
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Headlines win
Purj registered an 80/61 KD during Friday's 3-1 win over the Surge in Major 2.
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Poor in loss
Purj tallied a 62/75 KD during Saturday's 3-1 loss to Toronto in Major 1.
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Historically bad
Purj fell to a 44/82 KD during Sunday's 3-2 loss to Carolina.
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