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Our Prospect Rankings Guidelines
1. These rankings include prospects across all leagues including NBA, G League, College Basketball, and EuroLeague.
2. Green/Red arrows indicate changes over the last 14 days. Players in the top 100 who have moved more than 10 spots and players outside the top 100 who have moved more than 40 spots will have an arrow. Players in the top 100 who have moved more than 20 spots and players outside the top 100 who have moved more than 80 spots will have two arrows.
3. Blue plus marks indicate players that were recently added to the list.
2. Green/Red arrows indicate changes over the last 14 days. Players in the top 100 who have moved more than 10 spots and players outside the top 100 who have moved more than 40 spots will have an arrow. Players in the top 100 who have moved more than 20 spots and players outside the top 100 who have moved more than 80 spots will have two arrows.
3. Blue plus marks indicate players that were recently added to the list.