Fantasy Football Shame: The Most Humiliating Punishments of the Season

Fantasy Football Shame: The Most Humiliating Punishments of the Season

Fantasy football can get intense. Some leagues go above and beyond for their winners, perhaps offering a grand vacation or a giant trophy. The same can be said for the managers who finish in last place, though. 

With that being said, leagues can get extremely creative in their punishments. You are destined to see a few just by scrolling through social media with many fantasy leagues currently ending. 

But which punishments stand out? In honor of National Humiliation Day (Jan. 3), let's take a look at the most humiliating fantasy football punishments. 

Stand-Up Comedy Set/Roast

There are two different methods for this punishment. First off, the league's last place finisher could be forced into doing a stand-up comedy set. 

Unless they are a natural-born comedian, this is destined to end badly for them. And in an article about the most humiliating punishments for fantasy football, this is a great selection. Just make sure the comedy set is done in front of a lot of people to heighten the embarrassment. 

The other avenue you could take is a roast. This would allow all of the fantasy managers to make jokes about the loser of the league. However, the loser of the league should get to have their say at the end of the roast. 

Last-Place Trophy

Assigning a last-place trophy can be a great punishment. The trophy can be simple, stating that it's for the loser of the league. Or, you can get creative and utilize an inside joke with the members of your league to create a truly humiliating trophy. 

Personally, I think making it mandatory to keep the trophy on display throughout the year makes this punishment even better. Perhaps being required to display it in your living room or in a prominent window could be options. 

Either way, it's difficult to go wrong with this punishment. 

The License Plate

One fantasy football punishment that's been used over the years is the custom license plate. The plate could say something along the lines of, "I suck at fantasy football" or "I lost my fantasy football league."

This punishment is one fantasy football managers certainly would not want to have. Having to don the license plate on your car for a year would be extremely humiliating to say the least. 

Everytime you walk to your car you would remember your fantasy football failures. The license plate punishment is an effective one to consider.

Cringe TikTok Dance

With the rise of social media, TikTok dances have become quite popular. Using TikTok as part of your fantasy football punishment is an option. 

Having the loser of the league post a TikTok of themselves doing a cringe dance on the app would serve as another punishment. Potentially being forced to embarrass yourself on TikTok would make avoiding last place a top priority for everyone in the league. 

Take the SAT

Another fantasy football punishment that's gained traction is taking the SAT. Nobody really likes taking tests and this punishment would guarantee that fantasy managers continue checking their lineups even if they miss the playoffs. 

This is also a good option for leagues that don't want to embarrass themselves in front of other people. Taking the SAT could be done without an audience but still serves as a useful punishment. 

The Tattoo

Having to get a tattoo is an extreme punishment, though it's important to make sure every manager in the league is on board with this decision before making it mandatory, as some managers may not want to get a tattoo. 

There are various options here. Of course, extreme leagues could get a permanent tattoo. However, for those leagues just looking to have a little bit of fun but don't want to go all-in for this punishment, there is always the option of a temporary tattoo. Just make sure you get pictures.

Make a Professional Apology/Statement

Our final fantasy football punishment has the potential to be hilarious if done properly. 

The loser of the league needs to write a professional-looking statement about finishing in last place. They should also issue an apology in the statement. Promising to do better next season is also a quality option.

The apology statement should be posted on social media, and it can either be posted in written form or a video could be posted of the last place finisher reading the statement. If you opt for a video, standing in front of a podium with a microphone would make this a terrific option. 

Keeping a straight face throughout the video would be difficult, but would lead to a tremendous punishment. 

Joey Mistretta
Joey is a former RotoWire contributor. He is a sports media personality with experience in writing, reporting, radio, editing and more. He's from a small town in Southern California and graduated from Biola University in 2020.